Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Happy New Year!!!

I've been so busy with creating items for my shop, decorating my home, baking, shopping, etc., for Christmas that I've neglected my own blog.  I hope anyone who happens upon this blog has had a Merry Christmas and has a very prosperous and Happy New Year!!!

Do you have any resolutions?  I usually don't make them, but I am this year.  First, my husband and I would like to get our debt down....way down.  He had major surgery this past fall and even with good health insurance, there is still a large amount to pay off.  We were blessed with a very generous Christmas bonus from his employer, (Thank You, PBE!!!) so that took care of a large chunk. 

My second resolution is to get more on top of my Etsy shop.  By that I mean that I want to get more product variety and get seasonal items posted sooner.  I haven't even started posting any Valentine's Day items...oiy!!!

Currently I'm having a "After Christmas sale",  which includes all of my Christmas wreaths and centerpieces.  This is my "Snowy, the Snowman" wreath: 

He is so cute that I'm making one for myself.  I'm a Santa collector and a snowman collector.  I have so many, that I take down the Santas on New Year's and then bring out the snowmen.  So this wreath would fit right in.  Besides, who says that snowmen are only around for Christmas???

Happy New Year everyone!!!!