TGIF! Its been an odd week for me. Tried to order different things online and ran into bizarre situations. Anything from someone wanting to charge shipping as the same amount of the item. When I asked if the postage would really be that much, seeing as I'm not that far from this seller, I was told that packing materials, tape, ink, etc., all add up, so yes the amount was correct. What? How in the world do you figure how much packing tape is per order? How do you figure up how much ink you used in your Sharpie or printer in addressing the package? Seriously! Nope, I had to pass on that item, even though I did want it to add to my collection. When I told the seller that I had to pass, I was told that I could get the ten I wanted for under $20.00 shipping.....something is smelling awfully fishy to me.
Then I tried to order fabric. Oiy! How hard can that be???? A week had gone by and no fabric, so I contacted seller only to find outlots and lots of interesting facts. They had the fabric, they didn't have the fabric, it shipped, it did not ship, we can substitute, and we can refund. Just give me the refund. I really, really wanted that fabric for my sewing room. I have an Amish theme and finding that type of fabric is hard. It was a nice print. So sad.....oh well. There will always be some new fabric somewhere else.
Stopped in at JoAnn's. Got some batting, fiberfil, and muslin. Yep, got some new projects on the horizon.
Here are my recent creations:
I really like how "Lady of the Roses"(second pic) turned out. I think its beautiful! Its unique, because you can either hang it or sit it on a tabletop or shelf. The first picture, Rosy Posy, is a favorite, also. All of these turned out so nice, that I'm redoing all of my own Valentine's Day decorations. For the shepherd's hook bookmark, I thought I'd be clever and photograph it on one of my vintage books. The twist is that the title of the book is my name! LOL! Yes, I'm wierd, but in a good way! The grapevine napkin is a new item I've added to my shop.
I sold this Valentine's Day wreath just the other day:
I hope my customer really likes it. She's never ordered anything on Etsy before, so I was excited to be her first order.
Become a follower on my blog and I will give you 10% off your first order with me. Just let me know in the comments section of the order and I will refund you the 10%. You can see my items on the widget on the left hand side. Sales....percentage off......always a good thing.
Have a great weekend!