Customer service isn't always that way. We went to Kohl's, as I received a gift card in the mail. I was looking for a certain color throw for our master bedroom. I had looked all over and finally found one there. Then my daughter was looking for some things and wasn't having much luck. The t-shirts in their junior department are just awful. They are tissue paper thin! She was also looking for some fun and funky socks that were in their ad. All we could find was Christmas socks, so we went looking for help. A sales associate finds us, as she heard us talking. She begins to help us and this other customer comes up and says, "I'm looking for wool socks." She then looks at us and says, "Sorry, but I've been walking all over looking for someone to help me." Well, OK. First of all, she probably wasn't that sorry. Anymore that word is tossed around like "Hi!" and its not really meant. I could be wrong, but going off of the customer's tone and expression, I highly doubt it. Secondly, when the customer said that to the sales associate, the associate should have kindly said, "OK, let me finish helping these customers that I've already started assisting and I'll be right back to assist you." Nope! She just walked off with the customer and never gave us a second look. OK, we're done! We go up to the register with the throw and the bagger asks if we found everything alright. I told her no and proceeded to explain what had just happened. After telling the story, the cashier proceeds to laugh. So I said, "Well I'm not finding it funny, but whatever." The bagger said that no it wasn't funny and that they have new people, etc, etc, and expected us to walk around to another area to try and find these socks by ourselves. My daughter hasn't really liked Kohl's and now I'm kind of done with them as well, as that incident wasn't the only thing that happened that day. The associate working in the Christmas decor area was glaring at my husband and I, I guess because we dared look at merchandise and put the item back exactly where we picked it up from. They sent me another gift card in the mail, but that one is going in the trash and probably every one that should arrive in the future. The good news is that the throw was $43.00 on sale for $14.99 and I had a $10.00 gift card. Worked for me! This happened the week before Thanksgiving. Doesn't it make you wonder what kind of assistance you would receive during Black Friday and the rest of the holiday season.
So back to my original topic of my Cyber Monday sale. Here are some of my Christmas door wreaths. The first two are my Victorian wreaths.
I just love "Snowy"! If you look closely, even some of the snowballs have faces.

Here are two of my traditional Christmas red poinsettia wreaths.
"All That Glitters" really sums this wreath up!
Last, but not least, my Christmas Fabric Rag Wreath with a cluster of jingle bells in the center.
I hope you enjoyed looking over my Christmas door wreaths, as much as I enjoyed making them. It really touches me when I sell my handmade holiday decor to know that it will be displayed in someone's home for many holiday seasons.
Until later......Happy Shopping!