Wednesday, March 27, 2013

crafting and reading

March is National Craft Month.  To me every day should have some crafting included in it.  What have you been crafting lately?  I love to see others creativity.  Besides designing items for my Etsy shop, I actually took some time to design something for me.  I purchased this beaded Easter Angel banner kit from Herrschners.  I really like how it turned out.  Beading, whether for jewelry or something like item is quite relaxing.  Sometimes it helps me to think through a problem or whatever is happening in my life at the time and other times I'm just "in the zone". 

I have been doing a lot of reading lately.  One book I recently was quite appropriate for the so called National Craft Month.  The book was The Quilter's Apprentice by Jennifer Chiaverini.  I went to a library used book sale, saw the cover and just knew it would be interesting.  By reading it, not only do you learn a variety of quilting styles, but you learn about family dynamics.  One of the most fitting themes for me in this story is how to not let your family split up over nonsense.  You only get one family.  My family means everything to me.  We are very, very close.  However, my extended family...not so much.  Its really a shame how some people don't want family.  When I think back, my extended family started to deteriorate years ago over money and wills.  Some people can only see one thing and only want one thing and will do whatever it takes to get to that end. Very sad indeed!  Surprisingly I stay strong and its made my immediate family and I even closer and happier.  Can't knock us down!  A song comes to mind with the verse, "I get knocked down, but I get up again".   Yep!  So readers, if there is conflict in your family....try to fix it.  If you get rebuked, at least you can say that you tried and then go hug your own immediate family and be thankful for them.

Until next time....


Saturday, March 9, 2013

What has been happening at the Cozy Cottage

It sure has been a while since I last posted.  It has been a trying time at my Cozy Cottage.  My mother who had been in hospice since January of 2012, passed away on October 6, 2012.  We had been having difficulties in our relationship for over a year prior to her going into hospice.  I am happy that my daughter and I were able to have long talks with her and work through all of it before it was too late.   There were many visits that were very enlightening to us.  We had gotten close to many of the staff members at the hospice center, who were a great comfort to us, during her stay there and after her passing.  I hope my mother is now at peace as I truly believe she lived with untreated depression and spent decades living with an ongoing family situation that she chose to accept instead of acknowledging and changing.  It is a shame how things played out, but I truly believe in two things.  One, the truth always comes out whether it be in my lifetime or not....the truth will be shown.  Secondly, karma has a wicked way of evening things out. 

So after just focusing and dealing with my grief, I decided that working on designs for my Etsy shop would help me deal with everything.  Crafting is an excellent way to relieve stress and tension.  My husband, daughter, and I decided to vendor at a few holiday craft shows which we were successful at plus we met lots of other great crafters.  Christmas at my shop was very good!  My angel tree toppers were just flying out of my cozy cottage.  Excuse the pun.  LOL!  Now that spring is just around the corner, I've decided to do a thorough clean out of my studio.  I have a whole section of "Destash Supplies" filled with ribbons, fabrics, etc., and with a whole lot more coming.

It was nice finally visiting with you and I hope to visit more often in future.  I hope to see you at my cozy cottage.

Until next time....


Thursday, May 3, 2012

Once Upon A Time...

I recently designed a series of shepherd hook bookmarks inspired by the Once Upon A Time  TV show on ABC.  My daughter and I just love that show!  We can hardly wait for the season finale.  Hopefully, the Evil Queen/Mayor will get what she deserves!  I have always loved the idea of good winning over evil.  With so much horrible, horrible things happening in the world, its nice to get away to a place where good does come out on top.  Also, there aren't many girls who wouldn't want to be a princess at some time in their life complete with the castle, the gowns, the tiaras, and of course the prince.

Here is my line of Once Upon A Time bookmarks:


                                                         Snow White

                                                    Sleeping Beauty

                                                Beauty and The Beast

My Beauty and The Beast bookmark was recently featured in a very cute Etsy Treasury. The adult Belle costume is just gorgeous!

Beauty and The Beast Inspired Goodies by Teresa on Etsy

Until later,


Thursday, March 29, 2012

Last minute Easter shopping

Has this month flown by or what?  I can't believe that its nearly the end of March.  Usually by now I have our house decorated for Easter, but I'm still working on it.  Just a bit more to go.  My Mom has been moved into a hospice center, so things have gotten a bit chaotic at my Cozy Cottage.  Well enough of my problems....that is not the point of today's post.

Maybe you already have your spring door wreath, but you haven't thought about your dining room/kitchen or a room or two in your home.  Here is my selection of placemats, wall hangings, door knob hangers, and a table centerpiece.  All of these items are currently available at my Etsy shop.

I hope you have enjoyed looking through my spring/Easter selections.  Maybe I'll see you at my Cozy Cottage.  I'd like to wish all of my readers a very blessed and Happy Easter!

Until later,


Tuesday, March 20, 2012

First Day of Spring

Yes!  Its officially the first day of spring.  I say, "officially", because in my neck of the woods we've had springlike and now summerlike temperatures for a couple weeks.  I'm hoping that the temps get back to a more normal range so that we can enjoy actual spring days.  This year, we've gone from wearing a leather coat to wearing t-shirts and shorts.  I so love this time of year with all of the new growth.  I find it so interesting how nature just knows when its time to wake up and show its beauty.  I discovered this morning that I already have buds on my bleeding hearts, plus my hyacinths are in full bloom.  I just love the scent of hyacinths!  I have an herb garden and the chives and garlic are up and green.  I also discovered that my rhubarb is coming up.  Such a pretty color!

With Easter being just a few shorts weeks away, here is my collection of spring wreaths:

                                               Colorful Spring Wreath

                                          Sweet Victorian Pansy Wreath

                                                        Simply Purple

                                          Bonnie Bunny Welcomes Spring

All of these are currently available in my Etsy shop.  Each of these wreaths offer a different look to any home.  Looks all the way from Victorian to simple elegance to just plain cute, as in "Bonnie Bunny".  I just love her!  What a sweet way to welcome guests to your home; especially on Easter Sunday.  How can you not smile when you look at her!

I also designed a religious themed bookmark that would make an excellent Easter gift, First Communion gift, a Confirmation gift, or even for someone who has accepted Jesus into their lives.  The aurora borealis finish on the pink and purple beads adds a sparkly touch to the dramatic cross charm.

I hope all of you have an enjoyable first day of spring!

Until later,


Saturday, March 17, 2012

Easter Treasury

My Easter wall hanging was featured in a recent Etsy treasury.  It is really a lovely treasury.  Well chosen items.  Check it out:

Happy St. Patrick's Day!


Thursday, March 1, 2012

Celebrating National Craft Month

A month devoted to crafting.  How great is that!  I've been a crafter for most of my life.  When my daughter was old enough to do crafts, I got her started.  We would craft every Sunday afternoon when she was younger.  Great, great memories!  It didn't matter what the medium used, she loved it all.  Her favorites were working with Playdoh, beads, and of course glitter.  Now years later, she is 18 and has an Etsy jewelry shop and a clothing/accessories shop and our work tables sit side by side in our craft studio.  I've been continuing to go through my craft supplies and weeding out what my daughter or I don't need.  So far its been a great idea, as we've made some space in our studio and I've made a few sales in my fabric destash.

Here are some of the items I have for sale in my Etsy shop.  Maybe you'll see something that you could use to do your own crafting this month.

                                              Daisy Kingdom ABC Bears

                                    Dianna Marcum's Raggedy Ann & Andy

                                        Baby Big Bird and Cookie Monster
                                                       crib quilt panel

                                          Paddington Bear is Gardening

                                           Easter Bunnies and Jelly Beans

                                              Children's Fabric - yardage

                                           Debbie Mumm's Teddy Bears

                                          Flower Gardening by VIP Prints

                                 Pansies & Bows Applique Panel - VIP Prints

This is just some of what I have available and am still listing new items.  Between going through craft supplies, posting items, and creating/posting spring and Easter decor....I've been keeping fairly busy.

Something is always happening at my Cozy Cottage.

Until later,
